Do we have to be in the same room or does the mediator go between us?
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Do We Have to Be in the Same Room, or Does the Mediator Go Between Us?

Mediator Serving Rolling Meadows and Wheaton

Many people like the idea of saving time and money by taking their legal case to mediation, but they cannot stand to be in the same room as the other person. Mediation can be done with both parties in the same room, or with the parties separated and the mediator going back and forth between them.

The method of being in separate rooms and having the mediator go back and forth is commonly known as "caucusing" or "shuttle mediation." This method can be used in cases where the parties request to be in separate rooms and/or the mediator believes there is a strong likelihood of conflict if the parties are not separated. Sometimes, it may not be so much conflict, but fear or intimidation that causes one party to request a shuttle mediation.

There are also cases where it is better for the parties to be in one room. For example, if it is a fairly simple divorce mediation where there is relatively low conflict between the spouses and not many issues to resolve, it may be faster and more efficient to sit in the same room and talk it out.

Whether you end up in the same room or in separate rooms, you can usually request that you be brought into the same room to discuss certain issues. This is common during allocation of parental responsibility (child custody) and parenting time negotiations.

To learn more about the different ways mediation can be conducted, contact our office today at 847-749-4337.

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