Why use an attorney mediator?
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Why Use an Attorney Mediator?

Mediation can be a very effective form of alternative dispute resolution. However, it is important that you choose the right mediator to have the best chance of success with this process. Parties to a dispute benefit most by having a mediator who is trained, certified, and has extensive experience mediating similar types of disputes.

A mediator in Illinois is not required to be an attorney. They could have a background in counseling, mental health, business, or another field. While non-attorney mediators may have the proper training, certifications, and experience, there are distinct advantages to using a mediator who is also an attorney.

Attorney mediators have legal experience representing clients in court for the same types of disputes that they are mediating. This gives them an in-depth understanding of the issues at play and the common sticking points that need to be overcome to reach a resolution.

Another reason to use an attorney mediator is their understanding of court procedures and how a court might typically rule on a given issue. This gives participants a better understanding of the risks they may assume by going to litigation, which often motivates them to successfully resolve the issues through mediation. Finally, an attorney mediator can help participants draft a final agreement that is thorough, fully addresses all the issues that were agreed upon, and is legally enforceable.

To learn more about the benefits of using an attorney mediator, contact our office today at 847-749-4337.

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